The Galactic Retrieval Agency
A science fiction comedy narrative about Galactic Retrieval Agent, Bronwyn Ash, who teams up with her long lost twin brother, Spencer, and her AI dog, Link, for the gig of a lifetime. It'll make them rich -- if they manage to survive. (I'd like to say we tried to keep this PG... but I'd be lying. We so fucking didn't.)
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Bronwyn Ash and her AI dog, Link, get a retrieval gig of a lifetime as long lost twin brother, Spencer Ash, comes back into her life to tag along. But this isn't a simple seek and snatch. In fact, they're in way over their heads and are probably going to die.
I'd like to say we tried to keep this PG... but I'd be lying. We so fucking didn't.
Featuring: Cynthia Becker, Dylan Leonard, Ben Morgan and Lyse Beck
Written and produced by: Lyse Beck